MFA Application
All applications to the MFA program must be submitted via the VCU admissions portal.
This includes creative writing portfolios and graduate assistantship applications. Admission to VCU’s MFA program in Creative Writing is quite competitive, with roughly 200 applications received yearly for only 8-10 spots. Added to this competitive process is the fact that typically we only admit full-time positions with graduate teaching assistantships. That said, every year we also admit a select few part-time MFA students (Note: Most if not all graduate coursework is offered in the evening hours) and while still highly selective, it behooves such applicants who are seeking part-time enrollment to self-identify early in the application process (see actual application for more details).
The VCU admissions portal contains most of the information you need on application requirements, applying for in-state tuition, application fees (and waivers), and much more. Below are application details specific to MFA in Creative Writing applicants.
Traditionally, the general MFA program application deadline is February 1. However, if you are interested in becoming a full-time student and want to be considered for possible graduate assistantships, we recommend you submit your online application materials by January 15 of the year in which you are applying.
Statement of Intent
As a part of the general online application, the School of Graduate Studies asks that you write an essay addressing “your reasons for seeking graduate education,” emphasizing such areas as goals, aptitude, awards, and honors. The creative writing program asks that you focus more on the following: your reading habits; your writing habits; your experiences with criticism of your own work and the work of others, in workshops, perhaps, but in the study of literature as well; as well as what you see as your responsibilities in the community of writers of which you are a part.
Letters of Reference
Three letters of reference are required for each program and should be submitted online by your recommenders. Instructions for how to do so are included in the online application. Letters should address your academic and professional abilities and preparation for graduate study, especially in a creative writing program. (If you are applying for a graduate teaching assistantship, at least two of these should specifically address your qualifications for an assistantship.) Note: The names, titles, and email addresses of your recommenders should be included in the VCU online application. Once your application has been submitted, VCU will contact your recommenders directly for an online letter of reference.
Creative Writing Portfolio
- Fiction concentration: Applicants should submit 20-50 pages of fiction.
- Poetry concentration: Applicants must provide of 8-10 poems.
- Dual genre concentration: Your portfolio should include work from your two preferred genres of study (fiction, creative nonfiction, and/or poetry).
Test Scores
GRE scores are no longer required for the MFA program.
If you are applying for full-time enrollment and wish to be considered for a possible assistantship, please also submit (via the VCU online application portal) a single additional document that contains the following (in numbered order):
- A brief list of any/all creative writing workshops you've participated in the past five years, along with a paragraph long assessment of the not only what you feel you obtained from the workshop experience but also what/how you contributed to it
- An undergraduate, graduate or professional paper, or other piece of expository prose of 5-10 pages (i.e., typically a sample literary analysis/research paper)
- A brief essay (1-2 pages) in which you discuss some or all of the following:
- Your teaching experience (consider previous graduate assistantships, public and private school, college and university, community programs)
- Your educational background and your particular interest in a graduate degree, suggesting where your education seems to be leading
- Why teaching in the classroom (or working on faculty research) attracts you, and what qualifications you might have for such assignments.
Please save/submit your “GTA application” as one document containing all three items listed above as part of the VCU online application process.