
For over two decades Blackbird: an online journal of literature and the arts has been one of the web’s premiere literary magazines, earning accolades and attracting an expansive readership for its diverse range of award-winning and emerging writers. Blackbird: an online journal of literature and the arts is made possible with the work of undergraduate and graduate student interns and graduate teaching assistants from the VCU Department of English. We are also deeply grateful to community volunteers, alumni, and donors to Friends of Blackbird for their support. We remain especially indebted to our Founding Editors: Mary Flinn, M. A. Keller, and Gregory Donovan.

In 2023, Blackbird relaunched with a reimagined design and updated website. We aspire to publish the best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and art from established and emerging writers and to celebrate our local literary community and heritage. Blackbird is hosted and supported by VCU Libraries.  Meanwhile, work on the Blackbird Founders Archive continues with the goal of repairing and indexing the forty-three issue archive as a long-term and free-to-read educational resource.

For more information about the new iteration of Blackbird feel free to email Jessica Hendry Nelson ( or Kathleen Graber (

You can support the Blackbird mission by making a donation to the Friends of Blackbird fund. Thank you for your generosity.