Full-Time Faculty

Caddie Alford

Caddie Alford, PhD

Associate Professor of Rhetoric & Writing

and Affiliate Faculty in Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies



New Media

Geoff Bouvier

Geoff Bouvier, PhD


Creative Writing

John Brinegar

John H. Brinegar, PhD

Teaching Assistant Professor

and Director of Undergraduate Curriculum


W. Gardner Campbell

W. Gardner Campbell, PhD

Associate Professor

Early Modern

Film, New Media, Theory

Winnie Chan

Winnie Chan, PhD

Associate Professor

Postcolonial Literature

Gretchen Comba

Gretchen Comba, MFA

Teaching Professor

and Associate Chair

20th/21st Century

Creative Writing

David Coogan

David Coogan, PhD

Associate Professor

and Founder and Co-Director of Open Minds


Thom Didato

Thom Didato, MA

Associate Professor

and Graduate Programs Advisor

Editing and Publishing

Literature in Translation

Gregory Donovan

Gregory Donovan, PhD


Creative Writing

Joshua Eckhardt

Shelli Fowler

Shelli B. Fowler, PhD

Associate Professor Emeritus

19th Century

Composition, Linguistics

Literature of Diversity

Nicholas Frankel

Rachel Gevlin

Rachel Gevlin, PhD

Teaching Assistant Professor

and Affiliate Faculty in Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies

Eighteenth-century literature and Romanticism

Kathleen Graber

Kathleen Graber, MFA


and Director, MFA in Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Michael Ra-shon Hall

Michael Ra-shon Hall, PhD

Assistant Professor

20th/21st Century

Literatures of Diversity

les Harrison

Les Harrison, PhD

Associate Professor

and Chair

Catherine Ingrassia

Catherine Ingrassia, PhD


and Dean, College of Humanities & Sciences

18th Century

Shermaine Jones

Shermaine M. Jones, PhD

Associate Professor

Literatures of Diversity

M. A. Keller

M.A. Keller, MFA


and Blackbird Founders Archive Online Editor

digital publishing

new media


Adin Lears

Adin E. Lears, PhD

Associate Professor

and Affiliate Faculty in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies


Mary Caton Lingold

Mary Caton Lingold, PhD

Associate Professor

and Director, PhD in Media, Art and Text

Literatures of Diversity

18th Century

Sonja Livingston

Sonja Livingston, MFA

Associate Professor

Creative Writing

Clint McCown

Clint McCown, MFA


Creative Writing

Katherine Nash

Katherine S. Nash, PhD

Associate Professor

20th/21st Century

Film, New Media, Theory

Jessica Nelson

Jessica Hendry Nelson, MFA

Assistant Professor

Creative Writing

Matteo Pangallo

Matteo Pangallo, PhD

Associate Professor

Early Modern

Constance Relihan

Jennifer Rhee

Jennifer Rhee, PhD

Associate Professor

and Director, MA in English

20th/21st Century

Film, New Media, Theory

Catherine Seltzer

Catherine Seltzer, PhD

Associate Professor

20th/21st Century

Sachi Shimomura

Sachi Shimomura, PhD

Associate Professor



SJ Sindu

SJ Sindu, PhD

Assistant Professor

creative writing

Cristina Stanciu

Cristina Stanciu, Ph.D.


and Director, Humanities Research Center (December 2020-present)

Rivka Swenson

Rivka Swenson, PhD

Associate Professor

18th Century
